Existing Opportunities

In our drive for service excellence, we will strive to uphold the highest standards of professionalism. We aim to be the partner of choice for potential employers and for professionals seeking to enhance their careers. In this process, it is essential for us to maintain professionalism in our quest for quality in talent search and selection.

Every day , talent requirements arise in Industry . Our practice, is to first identify profiles of suitable professionals for existing opportunities from our own data bank which has been established over the last two decades. In case no suitable profile exists in our databank for any requirement, we will reach out to those professionals in the industry whose profiles match the requirements/ open positions. Our management team have knowledge about various industries, organizations and their senior management teams . We are confident in fulfilling the talent sourcing assignments given by organizations across industries discreetly, based on our experience and expertise.

In the present employment scenario where commercialization of recruitment is rampant, as illustrated by various job portals , our services relies on strong relationships of trust and integrity, which add immense value to the recruitment process for both employers and candidates, in sharp contrast to other players competing with us. Hence, we strongly advise professionals to register with us to avail the benefit of superior service and opportunities, which is available at a nominal registration fee.
Professional candidates who are seriously interested in building their careers through our executive search services are further advised to note that only after registration of their profiles in our databank, we shall reach out to them to understand their aspirations . Please note that merely registering yourself on our website does not indicate any job opportunity or guarantee employment.

We Believe in the quality of our relationships with employers and candidates. Strong relationships based on mutual trust are our assets, which we aim to nurture and grow with each of our valued members.. Professional candidates are therefore urged to check the credentials of Mudra HR ,study the entire website and the information provided therein before taking any steps towards registration.

We are always available to extend our services and support to professional candidates in need across locations and geographies, through our website..